Award Winning Technology from Evertz
1994 Emmy® Awards
Engineering Plaque Primetime Emmy®
2008 Emmy® Awards
Philo T. Farnsworth Primetime Emmy®
2016 Emmy® Awards
Live Production Technology & Engineering Emmy®
2020 Emmy® Awards
Pioneering Public Cloud Technology Emmy®
We understand video
The world of video is changing fast. Viewers are changing how they watch, content owners are changing how they deliver, and the speed of deployment is becoming ever more important.
But one thing that hasn't changed is the need for a trusted partner. A partner with the resources, the experience, and knowledge to guide you through this evolving landscape, people you can depend on.
Partner with the award winning pioneers of cloud broadcast technology,
Global reach
Evertz employs more than 1500 professionals in over 30 countries, with office locations on 4 continents.
Our technical and creative solutions help our global customer base produce content that reaches viewers in over 200 countries and territories across 6 continents.
Join the team
Learn about the roles currently available, our worldwide office locations and the opportunities for students.